Category: Personal

  • My Wife Cried At the Bar Today

    No, this isn’t the title of my new country/western song. As most of you know, my wife Nancy is shaving her head tomorrow and donating her long locks to WIgs for Kids. She and I have been raising money for St Baldrick’s to fight children’s cancers. She set a goal of $10,000 to reach, back…

  • The Fathers Day Incident

                      DISCLAIMER: I, AND MY CLOSE FRIENDS, HAVE A VERY WEIRD AND TWISTED SENSE OF HUMOR (If you share this link on Facebook, please DO NOT tag folks involved in this story) What do I mean by this? Myself, my wife, and damn near all my friends…

  • #wpmom and the WordPress Community

    I have been involved in the WordPress community for about 6-7 years, and I’ve always been impressed with the people that I’ve met. Coming from a .NET programming background, the WordPress community could not have been more different. I’m not bashing on .NET, it’s just that with the advent of social media, specifically Twitter, I’ve…

  • Help My Wife Fight Cancer

    I apologize – only to a certain extent – for the click-bait of that title. To clarify, my wife, Nancy, does not have cancer. She is helping fight children’s cancers.  At this point, I will pretty much do anything in order to help my wife make her goal of $10,000 all in support of the…

  • The Shirt Stay Incident

    When I was stationed in Maryland back in 96-99, I would sometimes have to report for duty up at Ft Meade, MD. Due to the high profile of my duty station at the time, Commander, Naval Security Group, I was required to wear my dress uniform more often than not.  I had no problem wearing…

  • My Movember, 2012

    As most of you know, when I try to grow facial hair, I tend to look like a 13 year old Guatemalan boy.  On estrogen.  With that said, for the last four years, every November I’ve been growing a moustache ridiculing myself for money. What is this madness? Why would I do something like this? …

  • Religious Tolerance

    THIS IS A RELIGIOUS POST WITH LANGUAGE!  CLICK THE LITTLE X BUTTON IF YOU DON’T WANT TO READ IT!   I grew up in Snellville, GA, a suburb of Atlanta.  I was raised as an Episcopalian; Catholic light, half the guilt. I was baptized around 10 years old, had read the bible, and learned Christianity…

  • Serving is Serving…Regardless of Sexuality

    This post is probably going to piss off some people, and quite frankly, I don’t give a shit.

  • My Religious Beliefs

    They may not sit well with you.  Or you over there.  Yeah, you. Organized religion kills I do not like organized religion.  This does not mean that I am not a Christian, or that I do not believe in God or that Jesus is my personal savior.  It simply means that I do not like…

  • WordCamp San Francisco – A Conference That Changed My Brain

    Here I am at home, near Baltimore, MD, blasting some metal music (Machine Head & Trivium, just in case you were wondering, @jarret) while typing this, and I really can’t get this shit-eating-grin off my face. WordCamp San Francisco 2011 was beyond anything that I could have imagined. I was in a town car going…