Category: Personal

  • Boating on the Bay

    Nancy and I finally bit the bullet and took our boat out on the Chesapeake Bay.  This is kind of a big deal because, well, our boat is pretty small compared to the behemoths out there.  We have a 16 foot Tracker bass boat with a 65 horsepower outboard.  We bought the boat this April…

  • Cancer Sucks

  • Costa Rica vacation…It’s not for everyone

    Because if you don’t like sunsets like this, you should just stay home.

  • Welcome to my newest website

    Hello everyone, and thank you for visiting my new website. I’ve changed my web host and have restarted my personal WordPress blog.  I want to start posting personal articles, stories, pictures, and most likely will be WordPress development related stuff.  I’m thinking of weening myself from Facebook to this site.  I’m currently in Costa Rica…