Mushroom Risotto
This is one of my favorite dishes to cook. I will add duck and/or asparagus to the risotto, and the leftovers are absolutely amazing! INGREDIENTS DIRECTIONS
Dan’s Chicken & Sausage Gumbo
My father grew up in northern Louisiana, so I grew up eating every kind of gumbo, always cooked from scratch. Now, it needs to be said that folks will fight about what gumbo is and isn’t. Arguments are to this day still made about how gumbo came about, and what it TRULY is. Y’all can…
My Mental Health Status
TRIGGER WARNING: This post contains content about suicide, suicide ideation/attempts, major depression and familial trauma. My mental status, in a nutshell? It’s all over the place. Kind of bleak, but at the same time, covered in love. Ok…that sounded grosser than I meant it…..Anyway, here’s where I’m at. I had a major setback to my…
The Everton Match
My wife and I are huge fans of the Premier League football team Everton, who are based out of Liverpool, England. When Nancy and I moved to Annapolis, MD in December of 2011, I couldn’t tell you anything about association football, better known as soccer here in America. HOW WE FELL IN LOVE WITH WHAT…
Switching meds…I’m a wreck
I am currently a complete mental mess. Let me tell you why. For years, I have been taking Trintellix for major depression and anxiety. Along with semi-weekly therapy, this medication has made my mental health change for the better. We found out earlier this year that our insurance company, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, would stop paying…
COVID & Depression
*NOTE – This post is not a “woe is me” post, nor is it to solicit sympathy. It is merely to point out to others that someone might feel the same as them* Let’s get COVID! On July 16th, 2022, my favorite Premier League football team, Everton, came to Baltimore to play a pre-season match.…
Why I Left the Intelligence Community
MY HISTORY I have worked for the Department of Defense (DoD) since 1992. The first eight years I was serving in the US Navy as a Cryptographic Technician (Communications). I was responsible for disseminating message traffic to and from our command at the Top Secret/SCI level. In late 1996, I arrived at my last duty…
I’m Not Changing, I’m Evolving
I want to make a change to how I use social media, specifically Twitter. There are essentially two large groups that make up the majority of my followers: WordPress folks, and anti-Trump folks. I feel like the latter group is distancing me from the former group. Most of y’all know my political leanings, so I…
Prelude To An Emotional Breakdown
This post’s title sounds like the name of an epic progressive metal song *cues up some Dream Theater* I’m sorry for not having posted any updates in a while. I could sit here and type up excuses, but the bottom line is that I’m just still sort of uncomfortable opening myself up to everyone. More…