I have worked for the Department of Defense (DoD) since 1992. The first eight years I was serving in the US Navy as a Cryptographic Technician (Communications). I was responsible for disseminating message traffic to and from our command at the Top Secret/SCI level.
In late 1996, I arrived at my last duty station, Naval Information Warfare Activity (NIWA), in Suitland, MD. It was here that I started to get trained in Information Technology (IT), and realized that I really loved computers.
In November of 1999, I was honorably discharged from the Navy. I accepted a position with COMPAQ as a government contractor to NSA. I had the same clearance that I held in the Navy, but since I was a dirty contractor, I had to have a full scope polygraph. Basically, they go through every little thing you’ve ever done, and make you put it on record.
It sucked.
I’ve been on a grand total of four contracts at NSA since 1999.
I joined my last contract on February 8th, 2010, working for an organization called Intelink.
You can read the Wiki page about the organization, but I can sum it up for you: We basically took what was popular on the Internet and recreated it on government systems.
My first project with Intelink was to help create a YouTube clone called iVideo that we used to help share videos containing mission intelligence to users all over the world.
After that, my primary responsibility was Intelink Blogs. This was a social networking application based on WordPress. Anyone in the IC could create a blog site, and write about whatever they wanted, as long as it was within our Terms of Use (ToU). We had one of the largest WordPress installations in the world when I left.
Intelink also used MediaWiki to create our own intelligence based wiki called Intellipedia. The fact that the Intelligence Community (IC) was actually sharing intelligence after 9/11 was amazing. I loved the fact that I was helping the community to share information in order to fulfill the mission.
Intelink hosted an instant messaging application that was a like a version of a Yahoo chatroom. People could create rooms for any subject, and could manage them as they saw fit. I was in many chatrooms that catered to information sharing within the IC.
We also had a Twitter clone called eChirp. Unfortunately, this was the beginning of most of our problems with regards to social media on government systems. I was the admin of this application and after a couple years it became a dumpster fire.
Professionalism was thrown out the window, and flame wars became routine.
What happened? How or why did it get out of hand?
There was no moderation or enforcement of our ToU. Management would try to get involved, then upper management would say otherwise. It was easier to ignore the problems than to address them. That made it easier for trolls to get more and more powerful.
Fast forward to late 2020. Hate speech was running rampant on our applications. I’m not being hyperbolic. Racist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamaphobic, and misogynistic speech was being posted in many of our applications.
On top of that, there were many employees at CIA, DIA, NSA, and other IC agencies that openly stated that the January 6th terrorist attack on our Capitol was justified.
By this time, I had been contacted by more than a few government employees at many different IC agencies, who were concerned about the content that Intelink was allowing to be hosted. Most of these people had been long time supporters of Intelink, having been there when we first started (way back in the 90s). On the other hand, some of them were brand new to the IC, and brought a new viewpoint to what should and should not be allowed on a government system.
Again and again, I was contacted via instant messaging, emails and phone calls, asking what was being done to stomp the hate speech. I could only reply “My government leadership has acted on each ticket as they see fit”. I couldn’t tell my customers whether or not I agreed with my gov’t leadership, because said gov’t leadership were my bosses.
Let’s give you all an example of what happens on an official IC social media application.
One of the many Intelink ToU offenders – we’ll call him Fred – posted something incendiary. He was trying to start a flame war, and he knew it. He had a history of doing it, and I had a history with this user. Fred then replied to another user, complaining that he was being picked on, or harassed, but he’s “A bigger man than that” and that he wouldn’t submit a ticket because that’s a sign of weakness.
I replied to Fred and reminded him that he had submitted multiple tickets to us (Intelink) about people harassing him. My point was to point out his hypocrisy, but I abused my authority by exposing internal ticketing information. I didn’t see it as a big issue.
Apparently it was.
That was unprofessional, and I should not have done it.
Someone else submitted a ticket complaining to my management about it, and I was told not to disclose information from our internal systems to external customers.
Roger that, boss, I understood.
A contractor at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), who I will refer to as Ava, is a non-binary, African-American, disabled veteran. They reached out to me and provided me with documentation on multiple violations of our ToU on many of our services. They submitted tickets to our ticketing system, and had conversations with my government management on how to deal with the offending personnel.
Ava was even interviewed by the IC Chief Operating Officer (COO), and featured on the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) website and they focused on how hate speech has seeped onto the high side.
Ava then sent an email on the high side to the IC COO, cc’d me, with the subject line of “Virtual Introduction”. The body was essentially introducing me to the IC COO and that I was someone that could help in squashing hate speech in the government IT spaces.
This freaked me out.
I’m a contractor, and the IC COO is WAAAAAY above my pay grade.
I immediately forwarded that email to my company and government supervisors, letting them know that I did NOT instigate the email, and that I did NOT reply in any way.
I was told to not reply, and that my government management would take care of it.
That weekend, Ava texted me on my personal phone, and they said that my government management was extremely unhappy that the ODNI was involved.
That’s putting it mildly.
On July 9th, 2021, I was called into a meeting with my company team lead, and he said “We’re going to have to let you go”. I asked why, and he said, “You were told to not give internal information to folks outside the organization, and you did”.
They had chatroom transcripts of what I had said to people outside my organization in reference to internal information in our ticketing system.
Keep in mind, all this information is completely unclassified. The information I was providing these government employees was for them to take to their own agencies’ Inspector General. They didn’t trust Intelink to do the right thing, so they were taking their complaints to the next level.
I don’t have any proof of any other reason why I was fired other than what I was told, but I don’t believe it for a second. I’ve been a contractor since 1999, and I’ve seen folks fired for nothing, and I’ve seen folks kept on after committing felonies.
I believe I was fired because I made someone look bad.
In late September of 2021, my company submitted my resume to the same group that Intelink was part of. I was informed that my resume was immediately refused based on my name, due to what had happened in July.
I was blacklisted.
On September 22, 2021, I got a call from my brother in law. My sister, Leah, had been admitted to the ER with a brain bleed and her prognosis was not good.
Around noon on September 25th, 2021, Leah Gilmore Dixon, passed away from complications of a stroke at the age of 48.
This absolutely rocked me to my core. My older sister, and only sibling, was gone.
What happened, and how I was affected, goes beyond the scope of this post. I want to publish something about her soon.
Leah’s death really made me think. What was I doing, and why was I doing it? Apparently life is short, so after talking with Nancy, friends, my therapist and family, I decided to make a life changing decision.
On October 14th, 2021, I called my boss and officially resigned without notice.
I’m done with the Department of Defense, having a clearance, and everything that comes with that. I spent 30 years serving my country, and I have the unique opportunity to do what I want to do now: follow my dream.
That dream is to be a full time woodworker.
My wife makes a really good income and we can survive off of that until I start selling stuff.
Most importantly, I have my life back.
A wise man, Mick, told me, “the Agency DEFINES who YOU are as a person”. He said that to me about two weeks after I quit, but it resonated with me when he said it. The Agency made me who I was, but of my own choosing.
Previously, I thought that leaving the Agency was a death sentence. When I got booted off the contract in July, on that drive home that day, I thought I’d lose the house, our cars, and hell, even my marriage. I thought my world was ending.
It turned out to be the complete opposite. I sit here on March 10, 2022, in the middle of my woodworking shop (our two car garage) with so many more tools than I had in June. My hobby has turned into a profession.
I chose to work for the Agency a long time ago. I agreed to their rules as a requirement to my employment. For example, I chose to abstain from marijuana when my friends were doing it and then when it became legal in Maryland. I had no problem leaving my phone and text messaging capabilities in my truck for 8+ hours a day. I honestly didn’t have any problems with the rules placed on me while working for the Agency.
Why? Well, the paycheck was obscene, compared to being a non-cleared developer.
At the time, making well into six figures meant that I was winning at life, right? That’s what matters: How much you make.
Having been outside of their rules for a few months, I can now wear my phone whenever I want. Most non-cleared folks won’t understand how game changing that is. My productivity has went through the roof. I can track my to-do list on an app that is tied to my laptop, desktop, iPad and phone. I never could do that at the Agency.
I know this reads as a “woe is me”, and how I got fucked over by the system. That’s not what I meant to write.
I wanted to tell everyone that there is a cancer within the government and when I tried to weed it out, I got fired. It was just easier for government management to get rid of me rather than to deal with the underlying issue.
If it happened to me, it’s happened elsewhere.
Why have I taken this long to publish this? Honestly? I’m kind of scared.
I’m not sure how this publication will be taken. Everything I’ve typed is completely unclassified, so there’s no national security issues involved.
Having said that, since I got fired for doing the right thing, I’m not sure what’s going to happen to me for speaking out about doing the right thing.
Nancy and I have started a new company, DancyWood, and I am currently making custom live edge slab tables, both with and without epoxy rivers in the middle.
I walked away from a huge paycheck in order to have the satisfaction of job fulfillment. I honestly love what I’m doing (when I’m not breaking a tool), and have to fight myself to leave the shop and go upstairs for dinner after being here for 8 hours.
Yes, I got fired for a bullshit, but legitimate reason. As a contractor, I’m replaceable.
After 30 years, I get it.
And I thank them for firing me.
I’m now able to enjoy my career.
77 responses to “Why I Left the Intelligence Community”
I still say you made the right call brother!
Hello, Chris. Can we talk? I’m on Signal.
Dan good for u. Spent 26yrs in Intel community and concur with u wholeheartedly. When I left I felt totally relieved. “Uncle” mel
Hello, Mel. Can we talk? I’m on Signal.
Dan, I know you to be as honorable a person and very much enjoyed working with you at Intelink. Candidly, the whole operation turned to shit when it came under ODNI and got worse under NSA where USG management was more interested in their own self interest than the common good. You are better off now doing what you love.
I began to notice a similar trend in 2016, just as Trump took office. They were pulling clearances left and right for those who were vocal in their opinions of Trump. I’m proud of you for speaking your truth, which is mirrored by many. There is no place for this in the USIC.
Thanks for sharing, Dan. After knowing you had struggled there a number of years before you left I’m couldn’t be happier for you in seeing that you’ve found a life again.
Thank you for serving with integrity. Best of luck on your new journey. I know how difficult the choice is to make such a drastic change. I don’t regret it and hope you enjoy the freedom your new career will provide.
Sounds like you fucked up.
Sounds like you got your soul back. That’s no small feat! Congratulations. I am sure you’ll smash it. Also, I’m a bit envious of the woodshop thing. Been a dream of mine as well.
Every single day I’m envious of what you’re doing. Every. Single. Day.
I’m just here to hijack a Ross post.
Ross, Jeff, Dan, Tom…I remember those chats and watching eChirp turn into a dumpster fire. Thanks, Dan, for doing the right thing. Congrats to you and Nancy.
I have said this before and I will keep saying my whole life… it’s all about the money until it isn’t. You sir have made the right choice. What has happened to the USA over the past years is terrifying, starting with fox news propaganda, the supreme court allowing dark money into politics, allowing corporations to run amuck, all based on greed, corruption and power. How do we fight back? How do we stop it? I hope you and your family stay safe. Well done on making the right move. Take care.
Self respect and sanity are priceless.
Hey Dan… You are not alone. I wish you all the best, and think working with your hands is the best thing a person can do.
Came here from the Daily Beast article and wanted to see “the rest of the story”, as they say. Seems as though they covered you pretty well. Sorry to hear about your sis.
I come from a solid right winged, military family, and my dad was involved in state politics while the state, rather quickly, moved from right to left. At home I experienced political rants regularly. During the Obama administration my dad seemed to go off the deep end. I expect that none of this vitriol is a new thing, but it’s most surely gotten worse — especially since the Trump administration. I worry for my children and grandchildren’s future, as nothing seems to be getting any better.
I’m glad to hear the integrity you displayed and hope more will do the same. There’s something soul-settling about doing the right thing. And now, working with your hands and living within a modest means — there’s nothing more than inner healing, self betterment and tuning in to family and friends.
Peace to you and yours Dan.
Thank you so much for speaking up! I’m a black female that worked at NSA and other IC elements. My last day was November 2021. I started as a govie but ended as a contractor. My company tried to just move me to another company but I told everyone I was throwing away my security clearance. I actually just passed my second poly the month before after failing it twice. And that’s a great story I love sharing. The Polygraph examiners were sick of I was so sick of the NSA by then. I didn’t care if I failed and I told them I’m now working 100% from home making slightly less than I was as a contractor. I spend all day with my dogs, can handle family emergency when needed, and use my cell phone all day!! Unfortunately I have experienced some discrimination in my current job. But as soon as I mentioned the issue to my leadership it was fixed immediately. Definitely not something I experienced in the IC. So yea I’m much happier. I’d love to chat more with you if you ever want to.
Pre-pub review is required for posts like this, even if you think it’s all unclass. If they say the compilation of information is FOUO then your troubles begin again…you might want to take this down if you did not get pre-pub approval. Other than that, I agree with this post and can confirm that there are many extremists in the military, though it’s not really surprising. I am sincerely sorry you lost your sister, hang in there.
FOUO? Really. Good luck making any case for an inappropriate release of information.
As someone who witnessed your thankless work to throw water on the dumpster fire, all I can say is that your efforts were noted and appreciated by the rank & file. The only thing that concerns me more than the routinized extremism you see in places it should never exist is the resounding silence from leadership. Best wishes to you, Dan.
Bravo for following your passion—it’s never too late to pursue what it is that will make you happy in life. I am also so sorry for the loss of your sister. However, I find several gaping holes in this post. What are your political leanings? I can probably guess but I never want to assume. Could those biases severely hinder your judgement on what is actually hate speech vs a difference of viewpoint? Being an admin and doing what you did almost seems like an abuse of power to censor people you didn’t agree with. I see no proof here of specific things that were said that were indeed hateful, just a blanket “some said they supported January 6th”. There are so many things that people could have said that could be twisted to fit your narrative. This is why I have such a problem with this—you have left out a lot here and that’s what the problem with society in general. You have no actual facts and evidence here to back your claim. I know the government would take action if there was actual REAL hate speech going on. This is all here say in a sad attempt to make yourself a “martyr”. It’s ok to disagree with each other’s point of view, its not ok to go after those who you disagree with and slap on some pretty serious labels so easily. Now that you have the time, I would take some time to reflect and really think about how you could have handled things better. Love and grace go a lot further than censoring, belittling, and bullying.
You don’t see a problem with people working for the government that support the overthrow of said government? Why do you think the SECDEF had to do an extremism stand-down?
I don’t care if you buy it or not. It was never my intention to prove anything to anyone. My political leanings are none of your business. I owe you nothing, not even this reply.
I wrote this post, as I said IN the post, to share with friends and family what happened and why I left the IC. Now that the media has gotten a hold of it, I get random folks like you, challenging my ethics, integrity, and professionalism.
Well, I don’t suffer fools, so, kindly fuck off.
Hear, Hear Dan!
I witnessed everything he said, and it’s true. And YOU sound like a troll.
I found your site after reading an article on I remember you. I left the IC in August of 2019, but I could never forget Chirp Daddy haha. I can’t speak for what happened after Aug 2019, but I saw some very unprofessional content, and saw you trying to police it. However, most of us knew the handful of individuals that caused the problems. Unless it really escalated after Aug of 2019, I can’t say hate speech was rampant. Like I said, there were definitely people who crossed the line, but it was maybe 10 or 15 people who liked to stir the pot, out of thousands that used the platform. There were like 3 or 4 who I questioned why they still had a job…reading some of their stuff made me cringe, and ask myself why anyone would write that stuff on a government system.
I was shocked to read you were fired though. But it honestly doesn’t surprise me that you were fired bc you basically outed leadership as incompetent even though that wasn’t your intention I’m sure. I’m sorry that happened to you. What you said about having your phone with you all day is totally true. I miss some aspects of the IC life, but I’m not sure I could go back to that now. I left for the private sector bc I was offered way more money, and at the time I left, I had an IG investigation for time card fraud, because I missed time when my mom got leukemia, and ultimately passed away from the horrible disease. Even though my supervisor backed me 100%, I showed superior ratings, bonuses, etc, I’m still forced to pay back the government bc I took my mom to chemo. The entire system is so messed up…people can sit at their desk and do crossword puzzles all day long, leaving all the work to others, but as long as they didn’t badge out 30 minutes early, that’s ok. Sorry to rant, but hearing why you were let go set something off in my head. Good luck with your new business, I hope it’s more successful than you could have ever imagined.
This is such bs. You and Your friend “ava” were breaking PII laws in obtaining info on people whose words you did not like. He/She/It? was fired from odni for doing similar things. Permanent victims you guys keep trying to become
First and foremost “EddieT” Intelink services belong to the USIC, anyone utilizing those services is subject to monitoring. So, let’s just get that out of the way.
Second, and having worked alongside Dan on Intelink, the only PII or other protected data accessible on those platforms were those affiliated with the user’s access. The protections for that data are articulated, in part, under EO 13556, FAR 52.204-21, DFARS 252.204-7012 and a whole host of other legal, regulatory, and policy requirements. Data spills of this type are taken very seriously, and any efforts to target cleared personnel for political beliefs would be a reportable event. Having said that, it’s interesting that you toss out Bob’s name to support a baseless allegation. What you should be focused on is that the rules for obtaining and maintaining a Top Secret security clearance are *not* the same for all. You need to reread your SF-86 terms and conditions, boss – because, in signing that agreement you agreed to a multitude of things including neither supporting or affiliating with persons or groups intending to over throw the United States. There is no place for personal bias within the USIC.
You left out the part of how giving user information which included some PII to contractors in other agencies is a violation aince he had no legal task do such. Kind of why he was getting shitcanned..oh wait he then did the heroic thing and quit.
Eddie – I don’t know who you are, other than your email address and IP address ( but you are not welcome here.
You’ve come here to start shit, and I won’t have that. This is my site, and my rules. Unlike that other place, I DO get to make the rules, and say whatever I want.
With that said, go fuck yourself.
Your comments will now be blocked.
Let’s break that down, shall we? Which PII data do you allege was released? You haven’t specified, so my assumption is that you don’t understand what constitutes PII data and how that data is registered, managed, and shared on the Intelink platform. NARA is the executive agent for the handling of protected data on Intelink (and other platforms). Any data collected would have been tied to a user’s credentials; those credentials are the property of the USG and monitoring of those systems for abuses of terms of service is a ‘lawful purpose’ (if we are arguing legality, which we are not because the data is owned by the DoD). It sounds like you’re arguing that a username is PII data? It is not.
Hear, Hear Dan!
Oh, also – how’s the bandwidth on Frantech? I’m thinking of switching…and I like to know my options.
LOL…frantech has no bandwidth. Frantech and their little hateful cult are responsible for majority of the hate on intelink.
Then why does your IP address trace back to them? Asking for a friend; and I wouldn’t dream of using any provider or service that supported or promoted (either directly or inadvertently) hate speech. Having said that, I’m glad I got your attention.
Lol…vpns are tough i know…however your joke on frantech was actually an awesome joke on an individual called Fran. Thank you for your humor.
Hello! Ava here.
Tara already corrected you on most of this, but I’d just like to clarify that I was removed from contract in direct retaliation for filing an EEO complaint against my office for issues of transphobia and disability discrimination. Like, EEO counselor talked to them Thursday, they had requested me removed by end of day Friday level blatant retaliation. Sorry to disappoint you, but thank you for illustrating part of the point of this article by being lazily transphobic in replies
To everyone else – honestly this ain’t even the behavior Dan is talking about on Intelink – well, it’s part of it. It’s more about individuals saying “If my kids were trans, I’d send them to one of Pence’s re-education camps. Give them the ol’ zappy zap” [sic] or discussing whether it’d be justified to assault a Thai sex worker if you found out they were trans after hiring them. Things that have NO place at all in the workplace. The fact that folks are still having to fight to get these issues resolved is ridiculous, honestly.
Ava, nice to meet you. I’m also disabled, and service connected for my disabilities (Go Army). By way of introduction and context, I’m a DoD Cybersecurity Assessor working with NIST, CMMC, ISO, FedRamp and a host of other standards – I worked with Dan for many years on Intelink, and have my challenge coin to prove it: But that doesn’t change my question or response; what PII data is alleged to have been shared by Dan to an outside contractor?
Ava..that is complete bs. You were fired because anytime you didnt get your way you claimed transphobia or some other type of phobia on someone. There were no violations that you are talking about. When there was individuals got hammered. But a small fringe group of you folks wanted any speech you did not like to be outlawed. Looks like you are back at it contracting with the new org you are with
Ava, stop pissing in plants.
I have your IP address…it’s the same as the last one. You seem obsessed with Ava. That says a lot about you
You wouldn’t happen to be the same baby back bitch who used government systems to say that having racially motivated violent extremists in the military is a good thing, would you? You seem real familiar, even though you’re impersonating someone else.
glitchns – This is your one and final warning: be civil. Otherwise, you will be banned.
There’s a gif of a hockey player getting sent to the penalty box, and he’s grumbling at first but then sees the replay and agrees with the call; that’s basically me right now*. Your house, your rules, and my apologies for making a mess.
*For anyone who has no idea what I’m talking about:
It happens, and honestly, I thought you were replying to Ava, so I over-engaged pretty harshly myself. My bad.
Bonus points for use of a hockey gif
Impersonating? My picture is literally in my profile. And I fight violent extremism at all levels, inside and outside of the DoD. I welcome you to email me your thoughts. We can continue our conversation there.
Nonono, sorry, not you; it was directed at the troll who started off with “this is such bs” – I’m pretty sure I recognize him and his writing style from my time there in a past life when he was spouting off tripe like what I mentioned, or about getting excited to go shoot people who disagreed with him. He’s a perfect example of what this entire article’s about and a malign stain on the US government as a whole by way of his continued employment.
Oh hey also army! Still fighting to get the rest of my stuff SC’d though.
Of course! To clarify, none of my comments were directed at you To the best of my knowledge, none of the info I’ve received prior from anyone in Intelink qualifies as PII without someone misclassifying/misattributing data specifically for the purpose of preventing government embarrassment, which is, y’ know, illegal.
The vast majority of the documents I’ve used to report this behavior to IG, EEO, etc. (for various flavors of concerns ranging from bigotry to EEO, to individuals using Racially Motivated Violent Extremist or QAnon rhetoric to IG) have been from either chats or platforms that are completely visible to anyone on that network, or were provided to me by non-Intelink individuals who were aware of the behavior, who wanted to go to IG/EEO with their concerns, but weren’t comfortable doing so themselves for various reasons.
Ava, let me know if you need help with your disability claim; we help a lot of veterans get things organized and queued up correctly. Email is (those are zeroes).
Come on Ava.. you know you are lying. And its those lies that contributed to Dan getting fired as alot of that mess you started. Come on S…come clean
Be civil.
I think you’re confusing “lying” with “told the truth about a thing that embarrassed me” – everything that they’ve said is the truth, down to the timing of their firing vs when they submitted their EEO complaint. If anything, they’re underselling it by not mentioning that their office directly admitted to disability discrimination while meeting the EEO counselor, *prior to* removing them. To the best of my knowledge, nothing came of that, but that fits in with everything else in this post. I’m not sure why you personally are jumping in to defend the guy (posting here as EddieT) who bragged on gov systems that he’d named his pet gorilla in WoW “Michelle Obama” by falsely claiming that Ava is lying, but feel free to enlighten me.
My government background was politics, not intel, but one day 42 years ago, I went in for my flight physical (private pilot) and the medical examiner told me he didn’t know what I did for a living but it was his belief if I kept doing it I would have an ulcer in two years and a heart attack by age 40. That got my attention! Over a long holiday weekend, I examined the previous 12 years and realized I hadn’t liked what I was doing, or myself for doing it, for at least the previous 5 years if not a little longer.
Long story short, I was gone from that job in 30 days, came to Los Angeles not knowing anything more than what I didn’t want to do, then discovered what it was I had always wanted to do, and I have been doing it successfully ever since. The worst day of the past 42 years was better by 10x than the best day of the previous 12, and I achieved some pretty cool shit in those years.
You absolutely made the right decision, and you WILL be successful at it. Surprise surprise, when you end up on the “right path” for you, everything shows up when you need it to keep going on that path.
Just wanted to let you know. I respect the hell out of anyone who finally takes the risk to do this.
Thank you for your reply. I do appreciate it.
since the newest article about you came out, some posters on echirp have deleted pages of posts they’ve made. do they not know that anything they post is saved for archival even if they “delete” it? i wonder what would happen if they were investigated, deleting almost all your posts because you heard there’s a congressional inquiry is pretty sus
Good luck Dan. I remember the early days with the first version of web chat. Management then took the path of shutting down and banning users for abuse as well as notifying the abuser’s commanders/supervisors. I’m sorry to see how bad things have gotten with Intelink.
To be honest, I butted heads with you more than once Dan, though out of thousands of users I doubt my gripes stood out. I agree with a lot of what you wrote, but knowing the government, the response won’t be a scalpel to cut out the cancer, or even a sledgehammer taken to eChirp, but a nuke taken to half of Intelink. *taps forehead* People can’t complain about social media tools if there’s no social media.
Hello, Chris. Can we talk? I’m on Signal.
Dan you and “Ava” are just mad you got caught defrauding the government 8hrs a day every day posting on blogs instead of doing actual work.
Feel free to go and pull up all of my postings on blogs, and see if that would equate to 8 hours a day. It wouldn’t.
But if you’re the same troll as previously, you can’t, because you are a convicted felon that lost his clearance
Ah yes. Defrauded the government by being one of the most competent people in my specific field, with 34 accolades, etc. from across 13 different agencies/departments in a year and a half.
Listen, this bitch is tired and just wants to be able to work without having to see slurs like tr*nny being used over and over again on government systems. I really feel like that shouldn’t be that high of a bar.
Do you want a medal?
They’ve already received accolades for their work. What have you achieved?
Planning on revising this now that facts are out in the IG report?
What do you think I should revise, based on the IG report?
Also, please have the spine to use your real name.
That you were doing unauthorized searches of communications. Based on requests of a contractor with no authority to make the requests. You kept doing it even tho being told to stop multiple times.
“unilaterally persisting in this agenda after being given multiple lawful directives to cease and desist.”
“not a Security or Law Enforcement official ”
“performed an unauthorized audit of an IC individual’s IIM blog dialogs because (redacted) wanted to personally target a specific IC individual that (redacted) disagreed with socially and politically”
Why are you so up on my name when spice and beepty boop and rollinrollin and “ava” ? Nah dawg I’m good.
Peace out
You know what’s even funnier than you being a coward and not posting your real name? You don’t know how to read. The investigation discussed in the IG report was 100% not about me.
No duh its not about you you didn’t go work at FBI but look at your own words
Ava hooks you up with the big wigs as a big helper but your not involved in the witch hunts. uhuh
Y’all get dinged “not to disclose information from our internal systems to external customers” an’ ooops get flagged again with “transcripts of what I had said to people outside my organization in reference to internal information in our ticketing system”. Sounds like you were doing the same thing the IG report calls out.
Tara I’m all good with enforcing rules the right way. I have a big problem with a rando nut coming in and playing he is some vigilante justice league. Imagine instead of the IG having to waste time cleaning up after that contractor violating the law investigating US citizens on his own initiative that they’d had the chance to you know investigate the reported hate speech.
What am I being accused of?
Who fucking knows…this clown can’t put a complete sentence together.
Goddamn, your spelling and grammar are fucking atrocious. How did you hold a blue badge at all?
“Y’all get dinged” – No, only I was told not to disclose information from internal systems. Ava was an external customer. How would they have access to my internal system, you fucking donut?
“Sounds like you were doing the same thing the IG report calls out.” – Sounds like you want to hear what you want to hear. You twist words to your own liking, unless it gets you banned from Intelink
How did that “rando” violate the law?
Also, for fuck’s sake, grow a pair of balls and put your name out there.
Don’t be a fucking pussy anymore.
Curious where this user who is so quick to snap at Dan for turning in instances that would normally result in the loss of one’s clearance – curious to know where this user places racism and attempts to overthrow our democracy?
“That you were doing unauthorized searches of communications.”
I was doing no such thing. The IG report doesn’t say that I was. Try again, Skippy.
“Based on requests of a contractor with no authority to make the requests.”
The contractor submitted trouble tickets to Intelink’s ticketing system. Intelink’s help desk then tasked those tickets to me to work them. I worked those tickets.
“You kept doing it even tho being told to stop multiple times.”
What do you think I kept doing even though I’d been told to stop multiple times?
“unilaterally persisting in this agenda after being given multiple lawful directives to cease and desist.”
“not a Security or Law Enforcement official ”
“performed an unauthorized audit of an IC individual’s IIM blog dialogs because (redacted) wanted to personally target a specific IC individual that (redacted) disagreed with socially and politically”
^ All of those comments are not about me. I’m not sure why you would bring that up, unless you don’t know how to read an IG report.
“Why are you so up on my name when spice and beepty boop and rollinrollin and “ava” ?”
Because I am 100% transparent here. You think you’re cooler than everyone else by being a fucking troll. Guess what? You’re not. You simply peaked in high school.
“Nah dawg I’m good.”
No, you’re not. You need mental health help.
Oh Danny Boy.
“What do you think I kept doing even tho being told multiple times to stop”
i dunno maybe
“You were told to not give internal information to folks outside the organization, and you did”.”
Thats right from yur own blog boyo.
“No, only I was told not to disclose information from internal systems. Ava was an external customer. How would they have access to my internal system, you fucking donut?”
I dunno maybe I’ll go with
“”You were told to not give internal information to folks outside the organization, and you did”.
Lemme lay it out real clear for ya in EZ wordz 4 U.
– Contractor asks Dan for info
– Dan give info to contractor
– Dan boss say “u no give info on our inside stuff”
– Contractor say to big muckey muck “Dan help me find bad boyz”
– Dan Boss say “WTF – Dan we told u no give info and here is receipts of all timez u give info”
– Contractor keep fishing for info on people he thinks are bad boyz so he can feel like big boy detective and caped avenger
– IG look at big mess and say contractor have no right to run private police investigation
– Dan write blog article saying “look at hero me”
– IG write report saying “look at rules broken”
You can’t say your a hero for given ‘ava’ the info and then deny that you did anything like what the IG says was wrong when it was the same behavior.
Tara – who accused u of anything? I was talking about what ever contractor was behind all the stuff in the IG report. Or are you Ava?
Only badge i ever had was crossing guard at Rocky Run. Reading about the stuff goes on inside the government like this people making J6 claims and other people running there own spy clubs spending all day blogging and chatting instead of fixing the roads and health care no way I’d sign up for that crap.
An a final word on growing a pair of balls and being a pussy an all
(all so very mysogonystic and homophobic of you, tsk tsk) but, yeah, I’m very happy with the pair of boobs and the real pussy I was born with so (kisses)(hugs)
Lol so you admit you weren’t part of the IC?
You and your shitty attitude can just get fucked. I’m not wasting time on someone that doesn’t know what they’re talking about.
Have a shitty day, troll.