How would YOU build this solution?

In my organization, we have a 24×7 help desk, and they asked me to create a custom theme for their use to track system outages, and provide daily summaries to upper management. This will be on a WordPress Multisite installation and the subsite will be private for only the helpdesk and management.
I first installed Advanced Custom Fields and WP Posts 2 Posts based on recommendation from Jesse Peterson.  I created two custom post types, Outage and Summary.  What I want to do is have each outage be a separate post, and at the end of the day, the Summary post type would list each outage that happened on that day.  In addition to the outages, the summary would also have info pertinent to that day, such as personnel, etc.
Jesse showed me an example of how he did it on one of his sites, and it looked really slick.  I’d like to have the main page be a chronological list of outages and summaries (got that part done), and in the right primary column, list the summaries in order.  When I click on the summary, I want the list of outages on the main content portion.
I’m not looking for folks to write code, but I’m curious how you would go about creating this solution.

One response to “How would YOU build this solution?”

  1. We use this great program:
    Numara® Track-It!® Self Service is a Web-based application that enables you to submit your own service requests and check the status of your requests. You can also search internal Track-It! solutions, find answers to popular business applications, and more.

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